A Society for training to needy students in the field of Electronics and Instrumentation

Our Objectives

Our main objective is to provide free training /workshop to young boys/girls from different sectors, particularly, those who are not getting scope for formal education and are not aware of the subjects like electronics/instrumentation for which a laboratory/instrumental facility is essential.


  • To promote technical education particularly in the field of electronics and instrumentation to some needy students.
  • To do some practical demonstration.
  • To help them to develop some low cost scientific laboratory equipments and teaching aids.
  • Organizing some scientific awareness programme and seminars in different schools and rural areas.
  • Demonstration of scientific models.
  • To discuss also the impact of technology in our society and culture.
  • Apart from the technical education to promote any other academic programme for the children in general.
  • It will also help others to set up small business.
  • Visit and virtual tour to website of different organisations/companies to know the recent market

It is expected that the boys/girls will get a good exposure in different areas of instrumentation. They can place themselves in different sectors. Along with the electronics, attention will be paid on the commercial exploitation of this field. They can also help others to set up their own business. In any form it is expected that technical education will be strengthen. It will discuss, encourage people to develop their own industry in the filed of electronics and instrumentation. It will work in a small sphere just to meet its demand. Behind the functioning of any instrument there is tremendous knowledge which may be discussed to satisfy our curiosity.